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MBA Elective: 30 Day Challenge to a More Productive and Much Happier You!
Introduction + Free Book (Introduction to the course, including how to access the 62 course downloads/supplemental materials and extras.)
Free Book Version of This Course
Introduction (2:50)
Part 1: Changing Your Focus (“Your imagination is your preview of life’s coming attractions.” - Albert Einstein)
Day 1 & Exercise 1: Eliminate Those Distractions (6:27)
Day 2 & Exercise 2: Use Your Commute (3:57)
Day 3 & Exercise 3: Biohacks Increase Productivity (17:35)
Day 4 & Exercise 4: Eliminate Your Worry (8:16)
Day 5 & Exercise 5: All You Need… (5:12)
[Optional] Side Note: Get Free Daily Helpful Business & Career Development Videos
Part 2: Changing Your Actions (“You can never quit. Winners never quit, and quitters never win." - Ted Turner)
Day 6 & Exercise 6: Crisis Becomes Opportunity (4:30)
Day 7 & Exercise 7: Smile at Conflict (5:29)
Day 8 & Exercise 8: Random Kindness Act (5:47)
Day 9 & Exercise 9: Change Your Mind (11:27)
Day 10 & Exercise 10: Always Be Grateful (5:20)
Day 11 & Exercise 11: Success is Giving (4:36)
Part 3: Changing Your Perception (“The mind is everything. What you think you become.” -Buddha)
Day 12 & Exercise 12: Ask & Receive (5:23)
Day 13 & Exercise 13: Eliminate that ‘D.O.C.’ (3:50)
Day 14 & Exercise 14: Love Your Heart (8:05)
Day 15 & Exercise 15: Koufax is Correct (6:38)
Day 16 & Exercise 16: Get Better Friends (4:30)
Part 4 Changing Your Vision: (“In order to carry a positive action we must develop here a positive vision." -Dalai Lama)
Day 17 & Exercise 17: Relax & Meditate (8:22)
Day 18 & Exercise 18: Find Your Passion (7:51)
Day 19 & Exercise 19: Eliminate Wrong Idols (10:58)
Day 20 & Exercise 20: Love Your Enemies (4:54)
Day 21 & Exercise 21: Be Confident Now (10:03)
Day 22 & Exercise 22: Dream More Often (8:04)
Day 23 & Exercise 23: Education Fixes Everything (7:57)
Day 24 & Exercise 24: Why Before How (1:54)
Part 5: Changing Your Blueprint (“I know where I'm going and I know the truth, and I don't have to be what you want me to be. I'm free to be what I want.” - Muhammad Ali)
Day 25 & Exercise 25: Taking Action Now (2:31)
Day 26 & Exercise 26: Become Your Goals (6:15)
Day 27 & Exercise 27: Categorizing Your Goals (1:19)
Day 28 & Exercise 28: Prioritizing Your Goals (1:54)
Day 29 & Exercise 29: Success Blueprint Strategy (9:18)
Day 30 & Exercise 30: Unlimited Productivity Breakthrough! (8:58)
Day 18 & Exercise 18: Find Your Passion
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