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MBA Elective: Learn to Pick Stocks Like a Pro by A Pro Investor by Haroun Education Ventures
Introduction and What is the Buy Side (Meaning Hedge Funds or Mutual Funds)?
Course Introduction & Who is this Course For? (5:02)
What is the Relationship Between the Buy Side and the Sell Side? (5:40)
Practice Activity: Decide What Buy Side Role You Are Most Passionate About (0:19)
Practice Activity Results Analysis: Congratulations! (3:46)
Hedge Funds Overview
A Day in the Life of a Hedge Fund Analyst (4:40)
Pros and Cons of Working at a Hedge Fund (2:08)
Other Hedge Fund Strategies (Event Driven, Computer Trading etc.) (4:49)
Mutual Funds Overview
Mutual Funds Introduction (6:03)
A Day in the Life of a Mutual Fund Analyst (1:06)
Pros and Cons of Working at a Mutual Fund (2:56)
What is a Buy Side Research Process?
Research Process Introduction (1:37)
8 Step Research Process (7:52)
Completing an Investment Idea Template (5:14)
Differences Between the Research Process at a Hedge Fund and at a Mutual Fun (1:20)
What is an Investment Catalyst and Why is it Important? (1:10)
Catalysts for Hedge Funds (5:15)
Catalysts for Mutual Funds (4:24)
Coming Up with Hedge Fund Investment Ideas
Introduction to Coming Up with Hedge Fund Long (Buy) and Short Ideas. (1:12)
Top Down Versus Bottoms Up Hedge Fund Investment Ideas & Themes (2:48)
How to Create and Pitch Hedge Fund Long Ideas (4:58)
How to Create and Pitch Hedge Fund Short Ideas + Exercise (6:38)
Hedge Fund Idea Templates (Use these to impress your boss or potential boss)
Coming Up with Mutual Fund Investment Ideas
Introduction to Coming Up with Mutual Fund Long (Buy) Ideas. (1:24)
How to Create and Pitch Mutual Fund Long (Buy) Ideas (10:30)
Long Only Mutual Fund Template (Use this to Impress your Boss/Potential Boss)
Accounting Part 1 of 3: Income Statement Analysis
Why is the Income Statement Important & How Can It Help You Achieve Your Goals (1:49)
Income Statement Explanation (3:57)
Income Statement Example and Analysis (8:48)
Income Statement Analysis Exercise (1:07)
Income Statement Analysis Exercise Answers Explanations (2:57)
Accounting Part 2 of 3: Balance Sheet Analysis
Why is the Balance Sheet Important & How Can It Help You Achieve Your Goals (1:08)
Balance Sheet Explanation (2:04)
Balance Sheet Example and Analysis (8:39)
Balance Sheet Analysis Exercise (0:59)
Balance Sheet Analysis Exercise Answer Explanations (2:39)
Accounting Part 3 of 3: Cash Flow Statement Analysis
Why is the Cash Flow Statement Important+How Can It Help You Achieve Your Goals (1:22)
Cash Flow Statement Explanation (2:08)
Cash Flow Statement Example and Analysis (6:34)
Cash Flow Statement Analysis Exercise (0:34)
Cash Flow Statement Analysis Exercise Answer Explanations (2:08)
Financial Statement Analysis Conclusion (How All 3 Statements Are Related) (2:17)
Financial Modeling Part 1 of 4: Introduction and Best Practices
Why is Financial Modeling Important & How Can It Help You Achieve Your Goals (2:00)
Financial Modeling Part 2 of 4: Where Do I Get Historical Data From?
Why is Investor Relations+SEC.Gov Important & How Can It Help Me Build Models? (1:41)
Introduction to Investor Relations (A Great Model Data Source) (11:16)
Introduction to (Another Great Model Data Source) (7:07)
Yahoo Finance (Another Great Model Data Source) (5:28)
What is the Quarterly Earnings Call & Why Is It Important for Modeling Purposes? (4:35)
Financial Modeling Part 3 of 4: Case Study: Building a Model for LinkedIn
Case Study Introduction and What You Will Learn in this Section (1:53)
Qualitative Analysis on LinkedIn (Also..Please Be Mindful of Compliance Rules) (5:18)
What is the Total Addressable Market for LinkedIn and Why is this Important? (6:10)
LinkedIn Model Introduction (5:15)
LinkedIn Model Discussion in More Detail (Historical Data Only) (17:47)
Forecasting the LinkedIn Model (16:34)
Financial Modeling Part 4 of 4: Financial Model Exercise
Financial Modeling Exercises Introduction (1:53)
Financial Modeling Exercise (3:03)
Modeling Exercise Answer Explanations (10:08)
Valuation Part 1 of 6: Introduction and Best Practices
Introduction to Valuation (1:13)
More Detail on Growth Versus Value and P/E + P/R + DCF Overview (4:21)
25 Valuation and Modeling Best Practices
Valuation Part 2 of 6: Discounted Cash Flow (DCF)
What is DCF, Why is it Important and How Does it Work? (6:16)
Calculating the Terminal Value (2:42)
Calculating the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) (6:23)
DCF Example (7:44)
DCF Exercise (1:09)
DCF Exercise Answer Explanations Part 1 of 2 (19:28)
DCF Exercise Answer Explanations Part 2 of 2 (10:31)
Valuation Part 3 of 6: Price to Revenue
What is Price / Revenue and Why Do We Need to Base a Target Price on this Ratio? (2:10)
Price to Revenue Example (1:44)
Price to Revenue Valuation Exercise
Price to Revenue Exercise Answer Explanations (5:13)
Valuation Part 4 of 6: Price to Earnings & Additional Valuation Methodologies
Introduction to P/E and Why it Matters (2:47)
Price to Earnings Example (2:28)
Price to Earnings Valuation Exercise
Price to Earnings Exercise Answer Explanations (5:44)
Additional Valuation Methodologies (1:39)
Valuation Part 5 of 6: Final Target Price Calculation & "TAM Sanity Check"
Our Final Price Target Calculation (0:30)
Using the TAM to Verify How Realistic Our Target Price Is (1:07)
Valuation Part 6 of 6: Differences in How Hedge & Mutual Funds Model & Value
How Hedge Funds Create Financial Models and Target Prices (6:38)
How Mutual Funds Create Financial Models and Target Prices (8:22)
Assessing Financials with Formulas
Introduction to Formulas (0:36)
Amazing Formulas to Assess Financials (7:30)
Exercise on Using Formulas
Discussion of the Answers to the Formulas Exercise (10:24)
Interviewing Management & Additional Compliance Topics
Interviewing Management as Part of the Investment Research Process (8:27)
Important Compliance Topics (3:20)
Buy Side Interview
Getting Hired as a Mutual Fund Analyst (5:49)
Getting Hired as a Hedge Fund Analyst (9:47)
Interview Tips: Especially if You Have No Idea How to Answer a Question (19:34)
Keeping Your Boss (the Portfolio Manager) Happy at a Hedge Fund
How to Manage Up (Yep - Your Boss Who is the Portfolio Manager) (3:35)
Politics in Hedge Funds to Be Aware of (3:33)
Keeping Your Boss (the Portfolio Manager) Happy at a Mutual Fund
How to Manage Up (Yep - Your Boss Who is the Portfolio Manager) (3:27)
Politics in Mutual Funds to Be Aware of (1:53)
Getting Promoted from Analyst to Portfolio Manager at a Hedge fund
What is the Role of a Hedge Fund Portfolio Manager? (14:39)
How to Get Promoted from Analyst to Portfolio Manager Part 1 of 2 (19:09)
How to Get Promoted from Analyst to Portfolio Manager Part 2 of 2 (14:17)
Getting Promoted from Analyst to Portfolio Manager at a Mutual Fund
What is the Role of a Mutual Fund Portfolio Manager? (4:52)
How to Get Promoted from Analyst to Portfolio Manager at a Mutual Fund (5:55)
Catalysts for Hedge Funds
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