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MBA Elective: The Complete Python Course 2024 (Free for MBA Students)
Intro, How to Take the Course, Access Free Python Book & Our First Exercise
Welcome, How to Take the Course and How to Download the Free Python Book (7:35)
[B/I/A] Introduction to Python (What, Why and How of Level 1) (1:13)
[B/I/A] How to Use Python Online Using Google Colab for Free (6:39)
[B/I/A] Exercise 1.1: Our First Python Code: “Hello World” (0:46)
[B/I/A] Answer 1.1: Our first Python Code: “Hello World” (1:14)
[B/I/A] Optional Lecture: Who Uses Python & What are the Pros & Cons of Python? (4:09)
[B/I/A] Quiz for Level 1
[B/I/A] Level 2: Data Types and Variables
[B/I/A] Intro to Data Types and Variables (What, Why and How of Level 2) (1:15)
[B/I/A] How to Code Data Types & Variables in Python (String+Integer Variables) (13:39)
[B/I/A] Exercise 2.1: Using String and Integer Data Types (0:44)
[B/I/A] Answer 2.1: Using String and Integer Data Types (1:26)
[B/I/A] Floating and Boolean Data Types (5:18)
[B/I/A] Exercise 2.2: Using Floating and Boolean Data Types (0:59)
[B/I/A] Answer 2.2: Using Floating and Boolean Data Types (1:26)
[B/I/A] How to Change the Content or Data Type of a Variable ("Casting") (7:48)
[B/I/A] Exercise 2.3: How to Change the Content or Type of a Variable (1:36)
[B/I/A] Answer 2.3: How to Change the Content or Type of a Variable (1:12)
[B/I/A] Level 2 Final Exercise: Currency Converter (1:41)
[B/I/A] Level 2 Final Exercise Answer: Currency Converter (1:17)
[B/I/A] Quiz for Level 2
[B/I/A] Level 3: Python Math (Meaning Operators) and "Strings"
[B/I/A] Arithmetic Rules in Python (2:21)
[B/I/A] Exercise 3.1: Arithmetic Rules in Python (0:53)
[B/I/A] Answer 3.1: Arithmetic Rules in Python (0:45)
[B/I/A] Stringing Together Variables (4:14)
[B/I/A] Exercise 3.2: Stringing Together Variables (0:30)
[B/I/A] Answer 3.2: Stringing Together Variables (1:32)
[B/I/A] Level 3 Final Exercise: Simple Interest Calculator for a Savings Account (1:33)
[B/I/A] Level 3 Final Exercise Answer (1:21)
[B/I/A] Quiz for Level 3
[B/I/A] Intro to Python Math (Operators) & Strings (What, Why & How of Level 3) (1:15)
[B/I/G/A] Level 4: Built in Functions & Creating Basic Functions
[B/I/A] Basic Built in Python Functions that Use Math (5:25)
[B/I/A] Exercise 4.1: Built in Functions that Use Math (0:35)
[B/I/A] Answer 4.1: Built in Functions that Use Math (2:47)
[B/I/A] Input Built in Python Function (3:22)
[B/I/A] Exercise 4.2: Input Built in Python Function (0:10)
[B/I/A] Answer 4.2: Input Built in Python Function & Stringing Together Objects (2:23)
[B/I/A] Creating Basic Custom Functions Part 1 (2:37)
[B/I/A] Exercise 4.3: Creating Custom Functions Part 1 (0:24)
[B/I/A] Answer 4.3: Creating Custom Functions Part 1 (1:31)
[I/G/A] Creating Basic Custom Functions Part 2 (3:36)
[I/G/A] Exercise 4.4: Creating Basic Custom Functions Part 2 (0:46)
[I/G/A] Answer 4.4: Creating Basic Custom Functions Part 2 (2:38)
[I/G/A] Creating Advanced Functions (Keyword and Default Values) (2:24)
[I/G/A] Exercise 4.5: Creating Advanced Functions Keyword and Default Values) (1:00)
[I/G/A] Answer 4.5: Creating Advanced Functions (Keyword and Default Values) (1:39)
[I/G/A] Returning Values from Custom Functions (0:37)
[I/G/A] Exercise 4.6: Returning Values from Custom Functions (0:15)
[I/G/A] Answer 4.6: Returning Values from Custom Functions (0:31)
[B/I/G/A] Level 4 Final Exercise: Simple Calculator with Functions (2:07)
[B/I/G/A] Level 4 Final Exercise Answer: Simple Calculator with Functions (3:33)
[B/I/G/A] Quiz for Level 4
[B/I/G/A] Intro to Built-In/Creating Functions (What, Why & How of Level 4) (1:10)
[B/I/G/A] Level 5: The List Data Type and the Sum Function
[B/I/G/A] How Does the List Data Type Work (and Using the SUM Function)? (8:41)
[B/I/G/A] Exercise 5.1: The List Data Type Work (and Using the SUM Function) (0:46)
[B/I/G/A] Answer 5.1: The List Data Type Work (and Using the SUM Function) (1:12)
[B/I/G/A] Level 5 Final Exercise: Grocery Shopping List (2:14)
[B/I/G/A] Level 5 Final Exercise Answer: Grocery Shopping List (3:35)
[B/I/G/A] Quiz for Level 5
[B/I/G/A] Intro to List Data Type (What, Why and How of Level 5) (0:53)
[B/I/G/A] Level 6: Logic and Loops
[B/I/A] The IF, ELSE Statement (4:25)
[B/I/A] Exercise 6.1: The IF, ELSE Statement (1:04)
[B/I/A] Answer 6.1: The IF, ELSE Statement (1:25)
[B/I/A] Using A Nested IF Statement (2:53)
[B/I/A] Exercise 6.2: Using A Nested IF Statement (0:37)
[B/I/A] Answer 6.2: Using A Nested IF Statement (1:14)
[B/I/A] Using ELIF in an IF Statement and the OR & AND Logic (12:20)
[B/I/A] Exercise 6.3: Using ELIF in an IF Statement and the OR & AND Logic (1:35)
[B/I/A] Answer 6.3: Using ELIF in an IF Statement and the OR & AND Logic (2:27)
[B/I/G/A] Using the MATCH and CASE Logic (7:49)
[B/I/G/A] Exercise 6.4: Using the MATCH and CASE Logic (0:32)
[B/I/G/A] Answer 6.4: Using the MATCH and CASE Logic (1:47)
[B/I/A] Formatting (5:46)
[B/I/A] Exercise 6.5: Formatting (0:53)
[B/I/A] Answer 6.5: Formatting (1:38)
[B/I/A] Slicing (8:42)
[B/I/A] Exercise 6.6: Slicing (0:20)
[B/I/A] Answer 6.6: Slicing (0:50)
[B/I/A] For Loop (4:42)
[B/I/A] Exercise 6.7: For Loop (0:13)
[B/I/A] Answer 6.7: For Loop (1:16)
[B/I/A] While Loop (2:53)
[B/I/A] Exercise 6.8: While Loop (0:37)
[B/I/A] Answer 6.8: While Loop (1:12)
[I/G/A] Level 6 Final Exercise: Time Tracker for Tasks (2:40)
[I/G/A] Level 6 Final Exercise Answer: Time Tracker for Tasks (7:00)
[B/I/G/A] Quiz for Level 6
[B/I/G/A] Intro to Logic and Loops (What, Why and How of Level 6) (1:09)
[B/I/G/A] Level 7: 3 More Data Types: Tuple, Dictionary and Set
[B/I/G/A] Tuples Explained How is it Different from a List? (6:19)
[B/I/G/A] Exercise 7.1: Tuples (1:04)
[B/I/G/A] Answer 7.1: Tuples (1:43)
[I/G/A] Introduction to Dictionaries (8:21)
[I/G/A] Dictionary Methods/Functionality (8:37)
[I/G/A] Exercise 7.2: Dictionaries (1:06)
[I/G/A] Answer 7.2: Dictionaries (1:54)
[I/G/A] Introduction to Sets (6:05)
[I/G/A] Exercise 7.3: Sets (0:48)
[I/G/A] Answer 7.3: Sets (1:24)
[I/G/A] Level 7 Final Exercise: Restaurant Menu Manager (2:29)
[I/G/A] Level 7 Final Exercise Answer: Restaurant Menu Manager (10:04)
[B/I/G/A] Quiz for Level 7
[B/I/G/A] Intro to More Data Types (What, Why and How of Level 7) (1:24)
[B/I/G/A] Level 8: Methods and Advanced Strings
[B/I/G/A] Intro to Methods and Advanced Strings (What, Why and How of Level 8) (1:05)
[B/I/A] What is a Method and How do Get the Methods for An Object? (4:27)
[B/I/A] Exercise 8.1: Methods (0:19)
[B/I/A] Answer 8.1: Methods (0:32)
[B/I/G/A] String Methods (4:47)
[B/I/G/A] Exercise 8.2: String Methods (1:14)
[B/I/G/A] Answer 8.2: String Methods (1:25)
[I/G/A] Advanced String Operations Part 1 (8:31)
[I/G/A] Advanced String Operations Part 2 (7:35)
[I/G/A] Exercise 8.3: Advanced String Operations (1:19)
[I/G/A] Answer 8.3: Advanced String Operations (1:21)
[G/A] Lambda Functions & Map (6:01)
[G/A] Recursion (12:03)
[I/G/A] Level 8 Final Exercise: Customer Support Chat Log Analysis (1:37)
[I/G/A] Level 8 Final Exercise Answer: Customer Support Chat Log Analysis (4:44)
[B/I/G/A] Quiz for Level 8
[B/I/G/A] Level 9: Object Oriented Programming (OOP) & Classes
[B/I/G/A] Understanding Classes and Instances (10:46)
[B/I/G/A] Exercise 9.1: Creating Your First Class and Instance (0:56)
[B/I/G/A] Answer 9.1: Creating Your First Class and Instance (1:34)
[B/I/G/A] Defining Methods in a Class (2:21)
[I/G/A] Understanding Self in Python (7:08)
[I/G/A] Class Attributes Versus Instance Attributes (3:31)
[I/G/A] Exercise 9.2: Classes, Instances and Attributes (0:47)
[I/G/A] Answer 9.2: Classes, Instances and Attributes (1:39)
[I/G/A] Inheritance: Extending Functionality (6:46)
[I/G/A] Encapsulation: Hiding Information (4:11)
[I/G/A] Exercise 9.3: Implementing Encapsulation (1:02)
[I/G/A] Answer 9.3: Implementing Encapsulation (1:43)
[I/G/A] Understanding Magic Dunder Methods (7:59)
[G/A] Understanding Composition and Aggregation (2:23)
[G/A] Level 9 Final Exercise: Simple Bank Account Manager (1:48)
[G/A] Level 9 Final Exercise Answer: Simple Bank Account Manager (10:33)
[B/I/G/A] Intro to OOP (What, Why and How of Level 9) (1:01)
[I/G/A] Level 10 Mastering NumPy (Numerical Python)
[I/G/A] Libraries Explained and Installing NumPy (16:14)
[I/G/A] Arrays Data Type (5:31)
[I/G/A] NumPy Array Creation Methods (8:32)
[I/G/A] Operations with Arrays (17:31)
[I/G/A] Slicing NumPy Arrays (15:11)
[I/G/A] Exercise/Project 10.1: Slicing and Indexing with NumPy (1:23)
[I/G/A] Answer 10.1: Slicing and Indexing with NumPy (6:55)
[I/G/A] Loops Versus Vectorization (9:44)
[I/G/A] Exercise/Project 10.2: Vectorization (1:05)
[I/G/A] Answer 10.2: Vectorization (3:04)
[I/G/A] Universal Functions (12:15)
[I/G/A] Conditional Filtering (8:15)
[I/G/A] Reshaping Arrays (14:42)
[I/G/A] Handling Missing Values Using NumPy (13:11)
[I/G/A] File Handling (5:43)
[I/G/A] Intro to NumPy (What, Why and How of Level 10) (0:56)
[I/G/A] Level 11: Pandas and Polars
[I/G/A] Intro to Pandas & Polars (What, Why and How of Level 11) (1:19)
[I/G/A] Installing Pandas and Polars (3:36)
[I/G/A] Loading Data Using Pandas and Polars (14:46)
[I/G/A] Reading Data in Different Ways (14:41)
[I/G/A] Exercise 11.1: First Pandas/Polars Exercise (2:27)
[I/G/A] Answer 11.1: First Pandas/Polars Exercise (4:56)
[I/G/A] Understanding Series (10:12)
[I/G/A] Dataframe Operations (15:04)
[I/G/A] Dealing with Missing Data (8:48)
[I/G/A] Map and Transform (5:32)
[I/G/A] Merging and Joining (6:41)
[I/G/A] Exercise 11.2: Second Pandas/Polars Exercise (1:14)
[I/G/A] Answer 11.2: Second Pandas/Polars Exercise (5:12)
[I/G/A] Strings (5:41)
[I/G/A] Sales Data Visualization (4:35)
[I/G/A] Exercise 11.3: Third Pandas/Polars Exercise (1:21)
[I/G/A] Answer 11.3: Third Pandas/Polars Exercise (3:48)
[I/G/A] Level 12: Data Processing and ETL (Extract, Transform and Load)
[I/G/A] Data Cleaning Part 1 (7:07)
[I/G/A] Data Cleaning Part 2 (6:50)
[I/G/A] Label Encoder and Data Transformation Part 1 (7:49)
[I/G/A] Label Encoder and Data Transformation Part 2 (4:17)
[I/G/A] Label Encoder and Data Transformation Part 3 (6:32)
[I/G/A] Handling Imbalanced Data (7:52)
[I/G/A] Data Partitioning (3:59)
[I/G/A] Intro to Data Processing and ETL (What, Why and How of Level 12) (0:43)
[B/I/G/A] Level 13: Writing Clean and Efficient Code
[B/I/G/A] Clean and Modular Code (10:35)
[B/I/G/A] Python Naming Conventions (2:44)
[B/I/G/A] Documentation (5:50)
[B/I/G/A] Testing Your Code (4:16)
[I/G/A] Working with Teams on GitHub (3:57)
[I/G/A] Questionnaire on How to Conduct a Code Review
[B/I/G/A] Intro to Writing Clean/Efficient Code (What, Why and How of Level 13) (0:55)
[I/G/A] Level 14: Using Python in Excel
[I/G/A] Introduction to Using Python in Excel (What, Why and How of Level 14) (1:30)
[I/G/A] How to Install Python In Excel (2:31)
[I/G/A] How to Use Python In Excel (10:55)
[I/G/A] Exercise 14.1: Using Python in Excel (1:21)
[I/G/A] Answer 14.1: Using Python in Excel (2:29)
[I/G/A] Using Dataframes with Python in Excel (9:38)
[I/G/A] Exercise 14.2: Using Python Dataframes in Excel (2:20)
[I/G/A] Answer 14.2: Using Python Dataframes in Excel (3:13)
[I/G/A] How to Create a Linear Regression Using Python In Excel (3:37)
[I/G/A] Exercise 14.3: Using Python and Excel to Create a Regression Analysis (0:23)
[I/G/A] Answer 14.3: Using Python and Excel to Create a Regression Analysis (2:09)
[I/G/A] Quiz for Level 14
[G/A] Level 15: Mojo
[G/A] Intro to Mojo (What, Why and How of Level 15) (0:48)
[G/A] What is Mojo and Why is it a Gamer Changer for Python Developers? (8:31)
[G/A] Complied Versus Interpreted Programming When it Comes to Mojo (4:57)
[G/A] Coding with Mojo (2:41)
[G/A] Variables in Mojo (Mutability and Immutability) (3:26)
[G/A] Data Types in Mojo (8:15)
[G/A] Else If in Mojo (3:17)
[G/A] Loops in Mojo (6:02)
[G/A] Functions in Mojo (3:54)
[G/A] Struct Versus Class In Mojo (4:44)
[G/A] Error Handling in Mojo (4:28)
[G/A] "Inout, Borrowed and Owned" in Mojo (4:59)
[G/A] Importing NumPy in Mojo (3:57)
[B/I/G/A] Level 16: All Built-In Python Functions
[B/I/G/A] Intro to All Built-In Python Functions (What, Why and How of Level 16) (0:34)
Note About Section 16
[B/I/G/A] Level 17: Conclusion, Next Steps and Additional Python Topics
[B/I/G/A] CONGRATULATIONS & Next Steps! (0:54)
[B/I/G/A] Tuples Explained How is it Different from a List?
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